Bagni San Filippo

Small village between the Val d’Orcia and Mount Amiata, known since ancient times for its warm thermal waters.

Travel in our company to get to know this place of great naturalistic value, where the thermal waters have created a magical landscape of white limestone formations, waterfalls and small hot tubs. The free baths are located on the course of the Fosso Bianco river, where it is possible to visit the White Whale, an enormous limestone boulder which, due to its rounded shapes and typical white colour, may resemble the literary character.

Routes Vivo d’Orcia – San Filippo by bike tour con guida ambientale Easy 10 km long 135 m difference in altitude 2 …

Routes San Filippo – Monticchiello by bike tour with environmental guide 32 km long 600 m difference in altitude 2 hours for …

Routes Vivo d’Orcia – San Filippo by minivan tour with environmental guide 10 km away 2 hours of time for the guided …

Routes San Filippo – Monticchiello by minivan tour with environmental guide 24 km away 2 hours for the guided tour The minivan …

Routes Bagno Vignoni – San Filippo by minivan tour with environmental guide 17 km away 2 hours for the guided tour The …

Routes Bagno Vignoni – Bagni San Filippo on foot trekking with environmental guide 27 km long 1000 m of altitude difference 6 …

Tour NARRA TERRA TOUR – FULL DAY Ciclofficine del Teatro a Bagno Vignoni Address : Strada di Bagno Vignoni, 1A h.10,00 am …

Tour NARRA TERRA TOUR AT PARCO VIVO Ciclofficine del Teatro a Bagno Vignoni Address : Strada di Bagno Vignoni, 1A h.3.00 pm …

Travel with the community cooperatives
of Val d'Orcia and Amiata

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